# Integrated placeholders


You can also use these placeholders in the Message.yml file by adding Player in front of the placeholder, for example <PlayerLuckyShards> instead of <LuckyShards>

Placeholder Explanation
<Name> The username of this player
<UUID> The UUID of this player
<Levelcolor> The levelcolor of this player
<Prefixcolor> The prefixcolor of this player
<Namecolor> The namecolor of this player
<Chatcolor> The chatcolor of this player
<Level> The level of this player
<Prefix> The prefix of this player
<GrayCoin> The amount of graycoins this player has
<GrayShards> The amount of grayshards this player has
<LuckyShards> The amount of luckyshards this player has
<GoldShards> The amount of goldshards this player has
<Balance> The bank balance of this player
<Fitness> The fitness of this player
<TimeDays> The amount of online days this player has
<TimeHours> The amount of online hours this player has
<TimeMinutes> The amount of online minutes this player has
<TimeSeconds> The amount of online seconds this player has
<World> The current world- or cityname
<Worldcolor> The current world- or citycolor
<OppositeWorldcolor> The opposite worldcolor
<Temperature> The current temperature
<LoadingName> The worldname that is in the loading title
<MaxFit> Maximum fitness (usually 225)
<Date> The current date
<Time> The current time
<CalcLevel> The automatically calculated level
<LevelUps> The difference between current and calculated level
<PlotDescription> The current plot description