# Player commands

Description: Use graycoins.
Permission: minetopiasdb.graycoin (for giving and removing graycoins).
Aliases: /graycoins

Description: Use goldshards.
Permission: minetopiasdb.goldshard (for giving and removing goldshards).
Aliases: /goldshards

Description: Use luckyshards.
Permission: minetopiasdb.luckyshard (for giving and removing luckyshards).
Aliases: /luckyshards

Description: Use grayshards.
Permission: minetopiasdb.grayshard (for giving and removing grayshards).
Aliases: /grayshards

Description: With /chatcolor you can give chatcolors to players or modify chatcolors.
Permission: None!
Aliases: /chatkleur

Description: With /chatcolor you can give prefixcolors to players or modify prefixcolors.
Permission: None!
Aliases: /prefixkleur

Description: With /levelcolor you can give levelcolors to players or modify levelcolors.
Permission: None!
Aliases: /levelkleur

Description: Use /head to put the item you are holding on your head.
Permission: None!

Description: With /scoreboard you can enable or disable your scoreboard.
Permission: None!
Aliases: /sboard, /sb

Description: Look at your onlinetime.
Permission: minetopiasdb.time.other to see the onlinetime of other players using /time
Aliases: /playtime

Description: With /plotinfo you can see basic information of a plot.
Permissie: minetopiasdb.plotinfo (To see the admin page and use /plotinfo )!
Aliases: /pinfo, /pi

Description: With /plot you can do things such as modify the (co)owners of a plot, create and remove plots.

Permissions Description
minetopiasdb.plot.addowner Add a player as an owner of this plot
minetopiasdb.plot.removeowner Remove a player as an owner of this plot
minetopiasdb.plot.addmember Add a player as a member of this plot (this permission is NOT required if you are the plot owner)
minetopiasdb.plot.removemember Remove a player as a member of this plot (this permission is NOT required if you are the plot owner)
minetopiasdb.plot.tp Teleport to a plot
minetopiasdb.plot.clear Remove all (co-)owners from a plot
minetopiasdb.plot.inactive Get a list from all inactive plots
minetopiasdb.plot.list Get a list of all free plots and all plots that a player owns
minetopiasdb.plot.calculate Calculate the price of the plot
minetopiasdb.plot.setdescription Change the description of a plot
minetopiasdb.plot.create Create plots
minetopiasdb.plot.delete Delete plots

Description: Use /booster to give, remove and activate grayshard, goldshard and luckyshard boosters.
Permission: minetopiasdb.booster to give or remove boosters!

Description: Give players access to fitnessresets they can activate themselves.
Permission: None!
Aliases: /fitheidreset

Description: Use /pin to send paymentrequests that you can pay with the pinconsole.
Permission: None!

Description: Use /911 to call the police.
Permission: minetopiasdb.112.send
Aliases: /emergency, /911